Deciphering novel molecular mechanisms that facilitate cardiomyocyte proliferation
Peng, Xu (Medicine)
Li, Pingwei (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Kuo, Lih (Medicine)
Cycle: Round Four
Short term electricity demand forecasting and risk management using machine learning methods
Wu, Ximing (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Ding, Yu (Engineering)
 Liu, Yong (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Cycle: Round Four
Novel Superabsorbents for Efficient and Eco-Friendly Remediation of Oil Spills
 Kwon, Joseph (Engineering)
Akbulut, Mustafa (Engineering)
Efendiev, Yalchin R (Science)
Cycle: Round Four
Error-Correcting Code With Applications To Efficient Cryptographic Proof Systems
 Zhang, Yupeng (Engineering)
Tian, Chao (Engineering)
 Liu, Wencai (Science)
Cycle: Round Four
Reconstructing Ancient Atmospheric Co2 Levels Using Fossil Leaves And Their Stable Isotopes
 Zhang, Yige (Geosciences)
Raymond, Anne L (Geosciences)
West, Jason B (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Cycle: Round Four
"Truthiness" At The Doctor's Office: How Information Asymmetry Affects Outpatient Clinic Performance
Cote, Murray J (School of Public Health)
 Stauffer, Jon M (Mays Business School)
Weston, Cynthia G (Nursing)
Cycle: Round Four
Spatializing The Immigrant Experience: Place(Re)Making By The South Asian Community In Houston
 Jain, Priya (Architecture)
Suzuki, Kazuko (Liberal Arts)
 McNamara, Sarah J (Liberal Arts)
Cycle: Round Four
Large Scale Statistical Inference For Big Financial Data
Zhang, Xianyang (Science)
Chen, Yong (Mays Business School)
 Chakrabortty, Abhishek (Science)
Cycle: Round Four
Learning the Dynamics of Cognitive Fatigue in Human Dynamic Decision Making
 Chang, Yanling (Engineering)
Schmeichel, Brandon J (Liberal Arts)
Garcia, Alfredo A (Engineering)
Cycle: Round Four
Bound States in the Continuum and a Theory of Mode Coupling
Kocharovsky, Vitaly V (Science)
 Lin, Paotai (Engineering)
Kocharovskaya, Olga A (Science)
Cycle: Round Four
Artificial Intelligence Assisted Bio-inspired Engineering Design
McAdams, Daniel A (Engineering)
 Layton, Astrid C (Engineering)
 Rosenthal, Adam R (Liberal Arts)
Cycle: Round Four
Tracking microaggressions in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
 Chaspari, Theodora (Engineering)
 Huang, Ruihong (Engineering)
Ramasubramanian, Srividya (Liberal Arts)
Cycle: Round Four
Effects of a Research Data Management Camp on Graduate Students’ Research Data Management Skills
Zhihong Xu (University Libraries)
 Kogut, Ashlynn W (University Libraries)
Clough, Michael P (Education and Human Development)
Cycle: Round Four
Artificial Intelligence (Ai) For Characterizing And Modeling Human Behavior From Visual Media
 Dixit, Manish K (Architecture)
Yan, Wei (Architecture)
Fields, Sherecce A (Liberal Arts)
Cycle: Round Four
Optimization of Food Production for Space Exploration
 Shuyang Zhen (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Lacey, Ronald E (Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Ji, Jim X (Engineering)
Cycle: Round Four